Framework Based Website and Web Application Development

Need to Use Frameworks:

  • Rapid Application Development: Structured Components for Quick Development.           Eg: ( MVC model Separates Business Logics from Visual things in Project.)
  • Independent Website Design and Website Development Process: View Generations is independent To Business Code.
  • Predefined Open libraries : like (Agile web tools, CRUD Operations in Yii).
  • To overcome downfall in PHP codes: i.e. Because there are less restrictions on the structure of the code you write, it’s much easier to write bad code. But there is a solution: use a framework.
  • Stick with Object Oriented Concepts.

Specialized Yii Framework:
Yii is a free, open-source Component based development framework written in PHP5 that promotes clean, DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) design and encourages rapid development. It works to streamline your application development and helps to ensure an extremely efficient, extensible, and maintainable end product,
It Supports Lazy Loading in the sense unwanted code are not executed for generic process, only required functions are loads for fast execution, for example, (it does not include a class file until the class is used for the first time; and it does not create an object until the object is accessed for the first time i.e. (Db Connections and Session Handling)).
MVC Pattern: Give understandable and bug tractable code for web development, it separates database (business logic) from presentation layer, controllers binds business logic and presentation. keep track on URL management and work flow.
Widgets: Framework having more widgets which is use full for reducing developer time. It deals with basic operations like filtering, searching, URL management, theme managements and Ajax widgets are cool to use in form processing.
Components: Writing our own components for web apps, which is easily, integrate with this framework, standard components like login, registrations.
Automatic Code Generation:- Gii which is used for automatic code generations, reduces basic functionality timing ,like form validations, db creations.
Design is Feasible for Third party Extensions: We can easily integrate our frame work with other frameworks and components, ex: pear db, Redbeans, and ZEND framework.
Security: URL Management which Reduce XSS Attacks, Yii Query Builder offers an object-oriented method for building SQL queries, which helps reduce risk of SQL injection attacks.
DB ORM: Yii Active Record (AR), implemented as a widely adopted Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) approach, further simplifies database programming. Representing a table in terms of a class and a row an instance, Yii AR eliminates the repetitive task of writing those SQL statements that mainly deal with CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations.
Extension library: Yii provides some extension library consisting of user-contributed components. This is useful for Developers.
Conclusion: Framework based applications are stick with business logics, which is better than core structured programming causes loop holes in security prospects. Yii framework performance is good for large scale development too, we at TreeShore develop our products in frameworks, so it is suitable for large scale commercial websites and web application development.